Your Comments
I developed this website for my ancestral town of Tluste/Tovste,
I really had no idea of how many people might be interested
in the contents.
I have done virtually nothing to advertise the site over the
first year of its existence, there has been a steady stream
of readers, some of whom have kindly written to me to express
their gratitude for the contents. Although it has never been
my intention to publish a "Guest Book" for readers
to leave their comments (partly because of the risk of attracting
unwanted spam), I have decided nonetheless to publish a selection
of the comments I have received, whilst respecting the authors'
you all for your kind words, which have made the hard work
in researching and setting up the site worthwhile. I hope
that you will continue to visit the website from time to time.
Hykle (Chajko)
You have really done a bang up job on the website, you
should be very proud. It is so thorough. It must have
taken you many years. I'm sure there are thousands of
Tlustites who are very I am. [CH] |
December 2007 |
Your website is wonderful. I'm all weepy right now but
you gave a face to the stories my father told me. ….
I wish my father had lived to see your website, it would
have thrilled him. [CH] |
November 2007 |
Thank you very much for the great job. I don't know
anyone who would write about Tovste with such a passion
and it touched my heart. The work you all did in the research
of the history of Tovste will teach my son, which he can
pass on to his generation too. There are no words to describe
my and my parent’s appreciation for that. Thank
you very much. [AR] |
October 2007 |
Thank you so much for setting up this website on the
town of Tovste/Tluste…. Thank you for doing this
important and humanitarian work. [LG] |
August 2007 |
Looking at your website, I was able to see, for the
first time, the site where my grandmother and aunts are
buried. It means a lot to me, and I am thoroughly grateful
for the work you have done in creating this most impressive
resource. [ES] |
April 2007 |
Thank you for such an excellent website. I will be happy
to assist in translation texts (Ukrainian, Russian) [JT] |
March 2007 |
Thank you very much for a great website. The information
you managed to collect and lucidly represent is of great
value to me and my family who originated in Tluste. [AA] |
December 2006 |
Let me congratulate you on your Web site. Not only is
it very well documented and interesting, but technically
it is very impressive, very professional. … Your
site is among the ones that is a real help for those who
are trying to retrace their family roots and also enable
all of us who have the same goal to share our experiences.
[JB] |
November 2006 |
Your stuff is great and extraordinarily detailed. MANY
October 2006 |
Many thanks for sending me the news of the launch of
your web site on Tluste/Tovste. I think it is a really
excellent site, and I congratulate you on having produced
it. [TK] |
September 2006 |
Your website is terrific. It is beautifully
done and provides a wealth of invaluable information!
[SS] |
September 2006 |
The site is stupendous. It’s rare to see a website
that is well researched, intelligently written, logically
designed, AND aesthetically pleasing. You’ve done
it all! [RS] |
September 2006 |
It was very gratifying to know that you have indeed
created this wonderful website. I was very impressed with
the enormous task you have undertaken. I hope it will
be very helpful to many people, who like you are interested
in their ancestral history. Your fair and balanced reporting
is most appreciated. [TS] |
September 2006 |
