User Guide
Recognizing that not everyone viewing this website will have
the same degree of proficiency, here are a few explanations
and basic tips before getting started:
The design of the website has been optimized for
viewing with Internet Explorer (IE) at 1024 x 768
pixels, however Mozilla Firefox also handles it reasonable
well (with a few quirks). I have not tested the website on
a Macintosh-based browser.
Several of the longer documents incorporate a Quick
Navigation menu, which makes it easy to move to a
particular section of interest.
If you are viewing the website with IE, after moving to the
desired section click once anywhere within that section before
attempting to scroll. If you don't, scrolling will cause the
cursor to jump to the next section. (This trick is not needed
in Firefox.)
At the bottom of most pages, and at several places within
long documents, you will see a small blue triangle, like this
one .
Clicking on it will take you immediately to the top
of the page. This is a convenient way of moving up
to the start of a document without having to scroll.
Many of the pages contain detailed references to original
sources, indicated by a number in parentheses (#). Hovering
over a reference number will pull up a note momentarily, until
the cursor is moved away. Some of the references have external
links, which can be accessed by clicking on them. All of the
references are repeated at the end of the document so that
they can be printed out, together with the rest of the document.
A few pages — in particular, the business directories
found in the Reference section — contain accented (Polish)
characters that require a small adjustment to one's
browser in order to view them properly. When so advised: if
you are using Internet Explorer, select View
from the browser menu, then Encoding »
More » Central European (ISO).
If you are using Firefox, select View from
the browser menu, then Character Encoding
» More Encodings » East
European » Central European (ISO-8859-2).
The website contains many photographs and other images. Several
of the images that need to be magnified in order to be viewed
properly can be enlarged by clicking on the image. A larger
version of the image will then appear in its own
pop-up window. For the time being, only a couple of dozen
images (identified by a little 'hand' when you hover over
them) can be enlarged in this way, but gradually I will be
adding add more to collection.
Most of the web pages can easily be printed out for later
reference. Click on the 'print page' button
just underneath the main banner, on the right hand side of
the screen, to print a properly formatted page.
The website includes a comprehensive search function,
powered by Wrensoft. Simply type in the desired keyword and
hit 'Enter', to bring up all of the relevant pages containing
that keyword.
See also the Frequently Asked Questions
(FAQ) for answers to other technical questions.
