Greek Catholic Church of 1730
entry for Tluste in the 15-volume Geographic Dictionary
of the Kingdom of Poland and other Slavic lands refers
to the founding of parish in Tluste in 1717.
It is not known whether or not a church was actually constructed
at that time. However, an undated picture in the Tovste museum
bearing the inscription: “A view of church in
Tluste, built in 1730” confirms the existence of a massive
wooden church that served the town for an incredible two centuries.
Other independent photographs, thought have
been taken around 1910, show the church surrounded by
a high wooden fence, along with its associated bell tower
(pictured at right). |
The wooden church was torn down around 1912 to make way for
an equally impressive stone structure that took over 30 years to complete, and
which exists to the present day. That its wooden predecessor
survived for nearly 200 years is a testament to the solid
construction and building materials used.
Chlebowski, B. Slownik geograficzny Królestwa polskiego
i innych krajów slowianskich. [Geographic Dictionary
of the Kingdom of Poland and other Slavic lands] Vol 12. Warsaw,
Pawlyk, J. History of Tovste. Chortkiv, 2000, and
pers. comm.