This website, which has been in the making for several years,
would not have been possible without the continuing support
of numerous people, to whom I would like to express my sincere
The inspiration for my research, and my desire to tell Tovste’s
story to the world, was Mr. Jaroslav
Pawlyk, director of the local museum. I have always come
away richly rewarded when I have tapped into his fountain
of knowledge about Ukrainian history and of the town to which
he has dedicated his life’s work. I should also like
to thank Jaroslav’s wife, Stephania, not only for providing
me with wonderful nourishment (including the best borsch in
Ukraine) during my visits to Tovste, but also for tolerating
the long absences of her husband in my company.
From my very first days in Ukraine to the present day, I
have been assisted by a very capable interpreter/translator
— Ms. Zorema (Zoya) Danylovch — who has always
gone beyond the call of duty to help with all manner of special
requests. The abridged English version of Jaroslav Pawlyk’s
‘History of Tovste’ is largely the result
of her efforts. Ms. Olha Buina, also from Chernivtsi, supported
my early work and tolerated (but hopefully also enjoyed) many
long hours with me in archives, administrative offices and
many other places. I am thankful also to Ms. Nadiya Kurilyuk,
teacher of English in the local school, for her invaluable
interpretation assistance on many occasions.
I am very grateful to all of the residents of Tovste –
including distant relatives – who allowed me to interview
them to gather new information and to confirm my findings.
They include Yaroslav Chajko and family, Anna (Chajko) Smutylo
and family, Anna (Trakalo) Chajko, Nicolaus and Jaroslaa Hrabowecky,
and Evgenia Demkiv. Several other residents extended their
kindness to me in many ways, including facilitating contacts
and passing on important information. I am grateful also to
the public officials of Tovste, most recently Mayor L.V, Drants,
who extended to me their warm hospitality and allowed me unimpeded
access to all corners of the town.
In the early years of my genealogy research, the staff in
charge of the Zalishchyky registry office granted me access
to records that were indispensable for my work, among them
Ms. Katerina Rudik and Victoria Harvasyuk. I am indebted also
to Zalishchyky's chief librarian Olga Trakalo for her continued
interest in and support for my work; and to museum director,
Vasili Oliynik, who granted me access to vital documents and
kindly arranged tours of his institution. Elsewhere, I visited
archives in Lviv and Ternopil whose staff were always very
cooperative in attending to my requests for information.
In Chernivsti, I am grateful to the friendly staff of the
Hotel Cheremosh, which has served as my home base on most
of my trips – so often, in fact, that I am instantly
recognized whenever I arrive at the hotel, even after a long
Much further afield, in Germany, I found in Prof. Eugeniusz
Nowak, a former work colleague, a kindred spirit who took
interest in my research, and assisted me with Polish translations
and other tasks. Mr. Florian Keil, also of Bonn, gave generously
of his time to help me design the original layout of the website's
home page.
In Washington DC, I was assisted by the largely anonymous
staff of the Library of Congress (Ms. Rachel Becker of the
African & Middle Eastern Reading Room has been especially
helpful), the National Archives at College Park, as well as
the Holocaust Memorial Museum, on visits to these remarkable
institutions. While I have conducted rather little research
in my native Canada, apart from a few trips to the National
Archive in Ottawa, I am very appreciative of the information
provided by relatives in western Canada who supported my genealogical
work on the Canadian side.
Finally, I wish to extend my thanks to Mykhailo Kokhanyuk
for use of the panoramic photo of Tovste in winter, seen in
the banner; and the many scholars and others who have written
passionately about the corner of the world that is dear to
me, and who are duly acknowledged in the detailed references
scattered throughout this website. 